• God’s love personified through service to others.

    It’s a big plan, and a daring one in this dark and turbulent time. But this could be the answer the world is waiting for. And it could be the key to discovering God’s purpose and plan for you.




Jeremiah Mdlalose faces a crushing humanitarian crisis. In the Zululand province of South Africa, there are one million children orphaned by a devastating AIDS epidemic, the people face extreme poverty, and their culture is steeped in witchcraft.


In The Ultimate Thief, Jeremiah chronicles a journey of faith to discover God’s purpose and plan for his life today. With Robert Flournoy, a Texan and Christian lawyer, they find a way to say, “Hold on, child. Help is on the way.”

Reviews for The Ultimate Thief

  • Finally, someone is asking the right questions and testifying to the Truth about the Kingdom of God. Jeremiah’s book should become the definitive treatise on rediscovering the Gospel’s actual ordained application to life on earth rather than just life after death.

    Simon Purvis
    Word of Life Teaching Center
  • A friendship between an African and a Texan has produced one of the most dynamic books I have ever read.  In this well written volume, the reader will discover many insights about the power clashes between the Kingdom of God and the power of darkness which are battling for the inheritance of the earth!  You will be inspired and instructed and, most of all, you will be strengthened in your faith and service to King Jesus!

    Jim Hodges
    President and Founder of Federation of Ministers and Churches International
  • Jeremiah’s personal story and his insights into scripture are extraordinary. One might say that the only explanation for his amazing life and ministry is God’s intervention. How could the son of a penniless Zulu ever hope to study in the United States and one day become an advocate for widows and orphans among his own people? I have known pastor Jeremiah for more than 20 years.  I have heard him preach countless times and I have prayed with him.  This book will inspire and challenge you because it was written by one with a heart and zeal for the Kingdom of God.

    Michael D. Thompson, Ph.D
    Dept of Modern Languages and Cultures, Honors College, at Baylor University